RNA extraction for use with the Bosphore Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Detection Kits.
CE marked alternative method to RNA extraction for use with the Bosphore Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Detection Kits. This fast method inactivates the virus and lyses the sample all in about 10 minutes, so it’s ready to add directly to the PCR mastermix for testing.
As extraction reagents are increasingly becoming hard to come by, this fast method enables labs to still be able to perform COVID-19 PCR testing using the Bosphore Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Detection Kits without specialist equipment.
A dry throat swab from the patient is added to the EX-Tract RNA Solution and vortexed for 60 seconds. A proportion of this solution is then heated at 95oC for 8 minutes. Once cooled this can be added directly to the PCR mastermix.
This fast method is not only easy to perform, but enables labs to increase their sample throughput.